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Cub Scout Pack 611
(Clackamas, Oregon)
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Pack 611 Rain Gutter Regatta Rules


Pack 611 Rain Gutter Regatta Rules

The Cub Scout must make all boats, however parental help is welcome.


All boats must have original kit parts, no substitutions or additions other than decorations.


All boys will use a straw provided by the pack at the race to blow his sailboat down the track. No hands may touch the boat during the race, except to right a sunken or tipped boat.


If the sailboat tips over, the boy may right the boat and place it in the exact same spot it tipped over, not ahead. If this is not followed, out of fairness to the rest of the boats, the boat will be disqualified. Judges have the right to rerun questionable races.


Judges will have the final say, remember this is not life or death, and they are just volunteers, have fun and do it with grace!

Ground Rules


The race is open to all Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts registered to Pack 611.


Each scout may enter only one boat in the competition. Several boats may be constructed but only one may be registered and raced.


The boat must have been built during the current year (the school year in which the Regatta is held). Boats that have competed in a previous regatta are not permitted.


If a boat becomes damaged and can be repaired in a reasonable amount of time (a few minutes), the race will be run again. Added non-functional decorations that fall off during competition will NOT be reattached during racing.



For 2010, Pack 611 will divide into 3 groups of competition: 1) Tigers & Wolf dens; 2) the Bear den; 3) Webelos I & II. Competition will be double-elimination within each group, No championship competition. 


The race will involve two 10-foot lengths of rain gutter filled with water


The race begins once the official starter has placed the competing boats against the back wall of the gutter and commands the scouts to "GO!"


On the starter's command, the scouts will blow into the sail of their boat in order to advance them through the water. The boat can only be propelled by blowing into the sail. Once the race has started, the scout CANNOT touch his boat with his hands.


If a scout's face, lips, hat, nose or other body part touches the boat, the boat must be returned, by the scout, to the starting position to continue racing.


The first boat to cross the finish line is the winner of that heat. The finish line official will have the final and only say in determining the winner of that heat.

Boat Specifications

Boats must be made from the BSA Rain gutter Regatta kits. However, the materials supplied in the kit can be modified or added to somewhat. The hull, mast, keel, rudder and sail provided in the kit must be used in the boat construction. Sails cannot be enlarged, but can be decorated. No other form of propulsion besides the sail is allowed.


Hull: No longer than 7" or shorter than 6-1/2". The boat body CANNOT be wider than 2-1/2". The boat must remain a single hull boat using the supplied hull wood. Multi-hull catamarans and boats with stabilizing out-riggers are not allowed.


Mast: 6-1/2" from deck to top


Sail: Supplied in kit, may be trimmed but not enlarged or added to.


The mast hole, keel and rudder layout specifications given in the BSA kit are for informational purposes only and alternative placements are allowed.


Decorations such as sailors, cannons, etc. may be added. All such decorations must be firmly fastened to the boat, and may not be placed in such a manner as to change the boat dimensions as listed above.

Inspection and Registration


Each boat must pass a technical inspection and be registered before it may compete. Technical inspection and registration of boats begins 30 minutes before race time for each session.


Registration cutoff will be at the designated race time. Boats that have not registered by the cutoff deadline will not race.


Ungentlemanly or unsportsmanlike conduct by any participant or spectator will be grounds for expulsion from the competition and/or the race area.

Rewards and Recognition


The most important values in Rain gutter Regatta competition are parent/son participation, good sportsmanship and learning how to follow rules. The Awards Committee is responsible for recognizing and encouraging these qualities in addition to traditional racing awards.


Every participating Scout will receive a Rain gutter Regatta segment.


Boats from the pack may be awarded appearance awards. Judges may award creativity and workmanship. Awards may include Most Patriotic or Cub Scout like, Most Original, and Captain's Choice.


Medals will be awarded to the first, second and third-place finishers in each group.