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Cub Scout Pack 21
(St. Cloud, Minnesota)
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Webelos Den Meeting Plans

Welcome to Webelos!

For Webelos Scouts and their leaders, this year and the next are filled with excitement, growth, and challenge. Your boys will be moving from Cub Scouts toward the goal of becoming a Boy Scout. Along that trail they will be picking up new skills and further developing their independence and character.

As a leader you will be developing, too. You will find that the Webelos and Arrow of Light years (and den meeting plans) require more long-term planning on your part. While the den meeting plans will take you and your boys through the achievement activities required for rank advancement, you will find that looking ahead can have significant planning benefits.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • The Outdoorsman activity badge is a requirement for Arrow of Light. As such, it is proposed as Den Meeting 3 in that year. However, much of the camping or hiking activity that is part of the badge’s requirements is perfect for summertime activity (either before the Webelos year or before the Arrow of Light year).
  • The Sportsman activity badge (again, Arrow of Light year) requires earning two individual sports belt loops and two team sports belt loops. Similar situations exist for many other activity badges. These required belt loops can be earned any time after the boy joins a Webelos den so you can begin working on these belt loops right away.

So, look ahead! Review all the requirements for Webelos and Arrow of Light before starting Webelos. Check back often, and HAVE FUN!

Den meeting plans are developed around a Scouting program year that is presumed to begin in early September and continue through May, at which time Cub Scouts would become involved in summertime Scouting activities. The Webelos den meeting plans outlined below offer one way of earning the Webelos badge of rank. If you as a den leader modify the order/badges, make sure requirements will still be met.

Download Webelos Den Meeting Planning Worksheet 

Download the Webelos Letter Template 

Den Meeting No. Webelos Den Meeting Plans Rank Requirements And Electives Covered Download
1 Fitness and Athlete Do: Fitness 1 and six from 2-8 Athlete 1-7 Bobcat Review 
HA*: Complete Fitness 2-7 (complete) complete athlete 4–7. Review Forester and naturalist chapters.
2 Forester and Naturalist Verify: Fitness 2–7 (complete)
Do: Naturalist 1, 4, 8, and 10 Forester 3, 4, 9
HA: Review Forester and Naturalist chapters.
3 Forester and Naturalist Do: Forester 5 and 6 Naturalist 6, 7, and 9
HA: Review Traveler chapter.
4 Traveler and Athlete Verify: Athlete 4–7
Do: Traveler 1, 9–12 (Geography belt loop)
HA: Athlete 4–7. Webelos 8, review Citizen chapter.
5 Citizen Do: Citizen 1, 3, 8 (Citizenship belt loop)
HA: Citizenship belt loop 1 and 3. Review Citizen chapter.
6 Citizen Verify: Citizenship belt loop 1
Do: Citizen 10, 8 (Citizenship belt loop 3) Webelos Review 3, 4, 7. Review Citizen chapter.
7 Citizen Do: Citizen 2–7 & 9
HA: Webelos Requirement 8. Review Artist chapter.
8 Citizen and Artist Verify: Citizen 8 (Citizenship belt loop 3), Webelos 1–8
Do: Citizen (make up) Webelos Review (make up) Artist 1, 4, 7, 9
HA: Review Geologist chapter.
9 Geologist Do: Geologist 1, 2, 8
HA: Review Geologist chapter.
10 Geologist Do: Geologist 4, 5, 6
HA: Review Engineer chapter.
11 Engineer Do: Engineer 2, 5, 6
HA: Review Engineer chapter.
12 Engineer Do: Engineer 1, 3, 4
HA: Review Craftsman chapter.
13 Craftsman Do: Craftsman 1, 2
HA: Review Craftsman, Scholar, and Artist chapters.
14 Craftsman Do: Craftsman 3, 4
HA: Scholar 11. Review Scholar and Artist chapters.
15 Scholar Do: Scholar 1, 5, 11, 12 Artist 2, 8, 10 PDF 
16 Showman (Puppetry) Do: Showman 2–5, 7, 11, 17, 20 PDF 
17 Showman (Music) Do: Showman 6, 8–15 PDF 
18 Showman (Drama) Do: Showman 3, 11, 16–18, 20–23 PDF